Me, Myself, and I
The whole-school project was linked to PSHCE. Children explored the themes of identity and community through their artwork and writing .
A String in the Rope with Nursery
As part of their ‘Who Am I?’ theme, Nursery focused on the people in their family and those closest to them at home. T
They were able to explain who was important to them, why they loved them, and also express how the people in their family show them love.
The collective poem was created through discussion about who they spent most of their time with at home. It prompted discussion around how different families look and led to the children developing their understanding of the similarities and differences between households.
The Real Treasure with Year 2
Year 2 focused on the role of friendship within their identity. They explored what it means to be a good friend, considering what they would look for in a good friend as well as how they themselves can be a good friend to others. Discussions around personal values in relationships highlighted the collective expectations of what makes a good friend generally as well as drawing out the differences in expectations for those that are to be considered closest friends.
What Makes Me… Me, with Year 3
Celebrating the uniques aspects of themselves formed the foundation of Year 3s exploration of personal identity. They highlighted what made them different to their peers, including skills, interests and physical appearance. They shared their chosen facets of themselves and took turns to celebrate what makes them different to anyone else. It also highlighted that no matter how different, all of the children were treated with respect under the promise of their class charters.
Every Pixel Makes the Picture - Year 5
Year 5 began by looking closely at the book ‘All Are Welcome’ by Alexandra Penfold, prompting conversations around their differences and how those do not affect their place in their community. They went on to consider place in the wider community and explored the role of London in their personal identity. They wrote poetry highlighting how they view themselves, london, and also the space and value they hold in society.