Being the Best ME
A child at James Wolfe aims to become a healthy, responsible, independent and confident citizen that contributes positively to our diverse society. The work below highlights learning around ‘inclusivity’ from EYFS to Y6.
What Makes a Good Friend - Nursery
Nursery have been discussing what they look for in a friend. After discussions around what characteristics they would like in a friend (friendly, kind, good at sharing), the children discussed the things that were not important when choosing a friend (skin colour, where they are from, clothes). The discussions were then centred around focusing on and celebrating someone’s character over superficial things.
Down with Bullying - Year 2
Year 2 have been tackling the effects of bullying and how it could make a person feel. They have been working in groups to discuss how bullying can affect people emotionally, developing their understanding and empathy.
They documented their group discussions in thought clouds and displayed them in the classroom as a reminder to be mindful about how they communicate with the people around them.
One in a Million - Year 3
Year 3 have been focusing on what makes each of them unique. They discussed the personal attributes that they are proud of and then celebrated the valuable contributions that they all make to the class community. The conversations were centred around how the differences between them were something to be celebrated and highlighting how they come together as a group that is diverse and successful.
Anti-Bully Toolkit - Year 5
Year 5 have been creating personal toolkits to tackle bullying. They have thought carefully about what they can do if they are faced with a bully, thinking particularly about trusted people to share their feelings with. Another part of their personal toolkits was to think about how they would act if they saw another person being bullied. They thought about the influence they have over their friends and how to be a positive role model to the people around them.