Faith and Peace
Across the school, children have explored how religious celebrations are celebrated around the world and how these may differ amongst families. Children have been able to learn from their peers’ experiences and have been encouraged to identify similarities and differences between their own beliefs and those in the wider community. Children have looked at the impact of teachings written in holy books and how these messages teach followers to live their lives. Stories are being used to engage learners and teach the important messages shared amongst each religion. This is having a positive impact on children’s understanding of key beliefs and vocabulary.
Similarities and Differences - Nursery
The children in nursery have been sharing their personal religious beliefs. They have focused on finding and celebrating the similarities and differences in their beliefs. They then followed the thread of ‘light’ across a range of religions, comparing the use of light in different religious ceremonies., and light as a symbol of hope and positivity.
Rama and Sita - Year 2
This term year two have been introduced to Hinduism for the first time. They looked at the features of a Hindu temple and the importance of a shrine in a Hindu home. The children read the story of Rama and Sita, identified the message in the story and discussed the impact of the story on Diwali celebrations. Year two looked at how Diwali is celebrated around the world, drawing on experiences from children in the year group.
Fasting During Ramadan - Year 4
Year four have been learning about the reasons why many muslims fast during the month of ramadan. They looked at the teachings in the Qu’ran and considered how fasting brings people closer to Allah. The children then looked at what Eid ul Fitr is and how it is celebrated around the world. The children made notes from videos and then collaborated with their peers to produce an informative script about Eid ul Fitr.
Ashima and Karma - Year 6
In year six, the children have been learning about Hindu beliefs around creation and Hindu attitudes towards animals. They explored the meaning of the word ‘ahimsa’ and thought carefully about the things that humans would or would not do in their lives to promote ahimsa. The children were able to link this learning to their understanding of Hindu beliefs around karma by providing examples of actions to gain good karma.