Creativity Meeting Construction
A James Wolfe Design Technology enthusiast shows great interest in the world around them. They cast a critical eye upon objects they come into contact with and forever strive to make the world a better place through their analytical skills and design prototypes.
Crafting for Festivals - Reception
Reception have designed and made Diya Lamps to celebrate Diwali as part of their ‘What makes me special?’ topic. They decided how to construct their candle and planned decorative features. They had a range of resources to choose from (card, scissors, sellotape, paper plates, glue, sequins and jewels) which they were able to self select. After a class discussion on the purpose of the Diya Lamp, they were able to choose resources to make their designs appropriate for use.
Making Monsters - Year 1
Year 1 took part in a parental engagement workshop to make monsters! They read ‘We’re going to find a monster’ as part of their monster topic and used their imagination to design and create their own monsters. They had a range of resources to choose from (newspaper, card, socks, plastic bottles, playdough, scissors, sellotape and glue) which they were able to self select. They created a group of monsters, who had all been designed for different purposes: they made playdough monsters, bottle monsters and even sock monsters!
Volcanic Experimentation - Year 3
Year 3 designed and made volcanoes as part of their natural disasters topic. Each child designed a prototype, presenting their design to a group. The group discussed each prototype and combined the best key features to make a final group design. They worked collaboratively to design and make a 3D model using a range of resources (newspaper, scissors, sellotape, glue, plastic bottles) which they were able to self select. They then tested and evaluated the strength of their design following an eruption of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.
Landmarks and Skylines - Year 5
Year 5 explored London landmarks as part of their local history topic. They focussed on the evolution of the London skyline over time. In groups, they picked a landmark to represent each century and discussed the key features of this landmark, designing a prototype. They worked collaboratively to make a 3D model, considering relevant materials (newspaper, scissors, sellotape, glue, plastic bottles) which they were able to self select, to ensure the shape and strength of their model was historically accurate.