Rules, Respect, and Compassion
The work below shows the throughline of ‘community’ from EYFS to Y6.
Children have been developing their understanding of what it means to belong to part of the school community, and beyond, particularly through action and supporting the people around them that contribute positively to society!
Agreeing to Get Along - Reception
Reception have been revisiting key concepts in terms of behaviour expectations and reminding themselves of how to be a good citizen of their class. The have been discussing the importance of everyone adhering to the same rules and offering the same level of respect to everyone in reception and the possible consequences if someone does not follow the rules, focusing particularly on the concept of fairness.
Policy Changes - Year 1
In Year 1, the classes have been reviewing the class charters they devised and signed at the start of the year. They have been reflecting on how the promises they made have shaped their experience as a class and discussing how their understanding of those rules has developed or changed.
They have been discussing the concept of amendments and devising changes they would like to make to their class charters to reflect the maturing attitudes of the class.
Care and Counsel - Year 4
Year 4 have been using ‘Agony Aunt’ style writing to demonstrate their understanding of compassion, forgiveness and the shared responsibility of a community for people that are struggling or need help.
They cited real-life issues that have arisen in their classes and collectively discussed how best to resolve them, keeping a positive and solution-focused mindset.
Standing Up to Mistreatment - Year 6
Year 6 have been applying anti-racist learning to different scenarios presented by the teacher. They have been developing their understanding of the responsibility that a single person has while part of a community, focusing on standing up against racism even when it is not directly aimed at them.
They have come away with a greater sense of how their individual actions come together to collectively benefit the community.