British Sign Language is for everyone
The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing our vocabulary about specific topics. It is important that children develop their vocabulary before focusing on other linguistic areas of BSL such as grammar structure
Singing and signing
Reception have been enjoying learning BSL songs to support their learning in class such as numbers, colours and the alphabet. BSL lessons started once the children were settled. They are currently 15 minutes and will extend to 30 minutes by Summer term. The children have the opportunity to practise BSL during busy time with both deaf adults and children.
Signed heroes
Year 2 have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’. This links with their topic ‘What Makes a Hero?’. After starting the term reviewing basic signs and fingerspelling, the children are enjoying learning practical signs linked to real life situations.
Asking questions using BSL
Year 4 have started learning about different sports and hobbies. As the BSL curriculum develops, they are incorporating more phrases and questions to have a simple dialogue to support practicing new vocabulary. It has been a challenge ensuring that the question word comes at the end rather than the beginning, as it does in English.
Translating BSL pictures into English
Year 6 enjoy challenges of translating BSL images to English. They have started to look at more specific question words, for example “how much?” in relation to money. The more practical topics allow children to develop their ability to have simple and meaningful conversations in BSL. The topics taught are the same as the BSL level 1 course.