Belonging to a community in personal, social, health, citizenship and economic learning
The theme of our learning this half term is belonging to a community.
#Nursery- Sharing is caring
Nursery children have been doing an amazing job of settling into school and becoming part of the James Wolfe community. In this photo, you can see how they are learning to share and take turns. The children are developing their understanding of how their actions impact on others’ and how they can help their friends to feel happy by playing together.
#Year 1- positive Play Leaders
Year 1 have been engaging in discussions about their classroom community and how they can create a positive environment for everyone’s learning and play. They have been discussing their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how, by respecting these rights, their classroom and school community is a better place for everyone. They selected the rights that are most relevant to their lives and signed the charter to show their understanding that these rights apply to everyone in the school.
#Year 4 -collecting Food For Thought
Year 4 have become very passionate about working with their local community. They understand that many children in the UK experience food poverty and they decided to run a food drive to support the Greenwich Food Bank. Year 4 did an assembly to promote the cause and created posters to advertise the event across campus. A large amount of food was donated to the Greenwich Food Bank as a result and Year 4 have developed their understanding of how they can make a difference in their local community.
#Year 6 -Setting a good example
The Year 6 School Council representatives have been busy leading the School Council reps in the lower years by holding class meetings to gather children’s views on playtime and how they would like to improve it. The Y6 representatives have guided the children on discussions around the school dinner food menu, collecting opinions. Following up on these discussions, the School Councillors attended meetings to share the improvements they would like to make to their school community. They have now elected a chairperson to collect their views and ideas who will then communicate them to a member of the senior leader team.